Kidding season in
2012 was marked by torrential rains, sleep deprivation, goo monitoring, vertigo, sleep deprivation, multiple simultaneous births, cold wet feet, sleep deprivation, oh...and sleep deprivation. This year, things were going to be different.
We started out kidding season,
2013, with a bang. Maybe it was more of a 'pop'. From the Prosecco. This year things would be different. We had food, we had a heater, we had 'heatholder' socks that felt a little creepy, we had a barn camera that worked (sometimes), and we had a few hours of sleep. One emergency run for potato chips and we were all set. 'Pop' started the kid marathon, with ripe castelvetrano olives and our very own *tadaaa* raw cow's milk caerphilly cheese.
Saturday brought an explosion of Toggenbabies.
Triplets, 2 doelings, 1 buckling. One is a keeper, Maribel. |
Many, many Toggenbabies. And one leopard.
Still more Toggenbabies. 3 Toggenburgs kidded so far, two sets of triplets, one set of twins. All spoken for.
Cammile was a trooper as she struggled to giver birth to a giant, 11 1/4 pound single buckling. He's lovely, a pale silvery chamoise, at this rate he will reach maturity in about a week and a half. He eats like it is going out of style. He needed a studly, gruff name, so until he is sold, he is dubbed 'Dirk.'
Sage is a good listener. And a loudmouth. In fact, she hasn't stopped screaming since Monday. When she was in labor I sat with her to try to calm her down (and I stole the spot under the heater). I lovingly asked her for a two-tone chamoisee doeling as I do not have one in the herd. Lo and behold, she delivered! This is Sofia. I love her.
Meeeehh! I'm staaarving! The little buggers are gulping down gallons per day already. I don't want to jinx anything but this is one of the smartest kid crops we've had. They aren't terrified of the bottles, they took to the bucket feeder really well, and they are growing so large and healthy that they are already outgrowing their sweaters or 'wings' as Rog calls them.
Meeeh! I'm starving too! Rog made us mini pizzas. We certainly didn't starve this year. We even ate at the table. More than once.
We took applications for goat birthing doulas this year and dear M was our lucky hire. Or unlucky. She was the only one who applied. Can you read her thoughts? This spa sucks. This is nothing like the brochure. I'm sticky, cold and wearing creepy socks. I have to wash dishes 10 times a day and I have milk in my hair. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! |
Kaelyn is tired out from being a new surrogate mom of 18. She is the goat taste tester. Loves the babies as if they were her own until they are dry and fluffy and then some. Goat milk mustaches don't last long in my barn. |
Rosie is pissed I woke her up. Nothing new here.
Healthy dams, vibrant lively babies. All is well so far. Round two looms in the near future. . .