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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fall is near

The old laying hens are teaching the younger hens a lesson. We're certain now the colorful chicken we acquired is, in fact a rooster. One morning we thought we heard a garbled 'cock-a-doodle-do' coming from the chicken coop but weren't positive as our neighbors' bantams scream bloody hell every morning. I opened the door to fill the feeder one evening and I saw it- undisputable evidence that the pretty chicken with the iridescent blue feathers is a 'he'. A very happy 'he' at that. 
We hope to have a few more stolen moments at the lake with the fishing poles. My mom informed me that the farmers almanac warns of a bitter cold brutal winter. I guess we're due...
Cool nights and the full moon brought about some changes about the farm. We officially gave up on the garden, the ragweed won in the back field and we cut our hay again in preparation for winter. Again, like every past year, we lament, we need a bigger barn.
Fair season came and went. I was reacquainted with one of my great loves, 3 times. 
The tractor pull went on.
And on....and on....
The boys are gearing up for the rut. Beards are beginning to yellow, they favor playing and showing off over lounging in the sun now. One last hoof trimming this weekend to get us though breeding season, they are not pleasant to handle when in full rut. Not that they're aggressive, they continue to be big babies who want to snuggle and rub against you but it loses some of its endearing quality when they are sticky with musk and urine and can't resist the urge to spray anything within reach. 
Massey had the first heat cycle of the year, just this morning. Breeding today would have given us late January babies so we decided to wait until the next cycle, generally a predictable 21 days from now. So usually the girls will hang out at the fenceline, butt first, wagging their tails enthusiastically and bellowing to me in the house. Massey, a bit of a chunk, must've gotten tired so she just decided to nap next to Mickey and gaze lovingly at him for a good part of the afternoon. Look closely, he's smiling!

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