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Monday, January 11, 2016

A blog-worthy morning

This has nothing to do with goats, food or farming. Just a quick recap of how this morning could have morphed into a pretty horrible day.

I woke from a nightmare of being carjacked while leaving the hospital at 2:54 this morning. So that was it for sleep for me. Luna, pup # 2, was having some very vivid dreams as well. Whining and barking and wagging her tail so strongly that Tinder, pup #1 got up to check on her twice. 

I gave up on trying yo catch more zzzzz's so I shopped online for a while. Then I sat down to a healthy well rounded breakfast of raspberry Greek yogurt, chocolate graham crackers and a cup of coffee. 

My favorite flavor, by far.



I do actually have this mug, it was a gag gift that I secretly love. A friend bought it for me in honor of Tinder, who he hates more than anything. 

So I ate about half my yogurt, then I got distracted and went upstairs for a few minutes to find my trusty iPad. After I came downstairs I finished my yogurt and was reading the news when Rosie, our cat jumped on my lap. Her face had a ring of pink yogurt around it, above her eyebrows, on her cheeks, indicating she had helped herself in my absence to the deepest recesses of my yogurt cup. Yep, her tuna breath was unknowingly in my breakfast. It was too late now to worry much about it.

Not Rosie, but close! Yogurt must be attractive to mischievous cats. 

I got over it and went up to shower and get ready for work. I was distracted, yet again and thinking about my recent car shopping and not much about my shower. I was lathering my hair and thought, hmmm, Rog must have put a new bottle of shampoo in here, this doesn't smell like my usual Rosemary-mint. 

Nope! You guessed it. 


I used the dog shampoo I'd left on the shelf. But on a good note, my coat is shiny, I didn't shed at all, I had tuna for lunch, and my coworkers smell good. And the rest of my day was uneventful.