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Monday, April 23, 2012

Bursting with joy

It's a big day here at Capra Lane. Bigger than the new tractor...bigger than having 4 does kidding simultaneously...bigger than putting away the dehorning iron for the year...bigger than having everyone finally learn the milking order...

We have DSL!

We have (kind of) entered the 21st century in Adario! Seriously, you people that are blessed with civilization have no idea how frustrating the last 6 years have been. We have spent fortunes on long distance(!) dial-up. We've suffered with $85 a month satellite "high-speed" internet that went out with the rain, snow, wind, clouds, birds, butterflies and really wasn't any faster than dial-up. And Richard Branson can suck it. Virgin Mobile's Mifi device will be the subject of my next target shooting practice. We've had it for about a year, delicately balanced on our windowsill to catch a signal, moving it in various locations through the house. It worked well for a few months, just enough to suck me into a contract, then it would flick on, flick off, freeze up and made checking email a 30-60 minute process. Countless 'trouble tickets', replacement devices and failed customer service calls later and I'm happy to kiss the damn thing goodbye.

So, the Ontario office staff of Century Link are now my heroes. The corporate office had been giving us the run around for the past 5 years or so as to why our neighbors have DSL but we are too far from the home office. So thank you, to the sales rep and tech guy that thought this seemed as stupid as I did. It took a few weeks to sort out the logistics but it is finally in place.

 Hopefully no more bouts of wanting to go 'Office Space' on my computer in the near future. Who am I fooling??? I was close to shooting it almost every day. Looking forward to getting some work done at home and not having to drive 30 minutes to Panera or Starbucks to use their WiFi and buy expensive coffee. We finally get to discover YouTube in more than 5 second buffered intervals. Maybe I can download an Ipad app without letting it run overnight or try to use ITunes to its full potential. The possibilities are endless. And do you know how long it took to upload the photos on this post?? Just as long as it took to take a sip of coffee...amazing! Maybe since blog posts are no longer an all-day affair I'll get my ass in gear and update more frequently....

Yep, even this guy beat us to the punch.

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