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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Another blog slacker catch-up series... starting with January. Time has traveled so quickly and my memory is so crummy that I will refer to my trusty i-phone photo album to remember what transpired.

Oh yes! It was cold. Really cold.

The New Year came in with a bang, we stayed up till midnight.

We started adjusting to life with Ivy. Translation - saying 'no' constantly, playing keep a way with just about everything, lack of sleep that rivals that of new parents, constantly coming up with ways to stimulate the mind of a pup that truly doesn't rest, among others. Here is a rare photo of her sleeping - even in rest she's a nutjob.

I had a brief escape to south Florida for a meeting but it was far too brief.

In January we said goodbye to Mama Kitty at 20+ years old. We inherited her with the farm and her previous owners estimate she arrived in the mid-90's from Northfield Park after having a few litters if kittens. She was deaf, had a funky ear but she was sweet and affectionate and somehow could hear a can of wet cat food being opened a mile away. She's the only cat I'd ever met who routinely sat up like a dog to beg and her favorite hobby was sitting outside our patio door torturing Luna, who desperately wanted to be her friend.

The end of January brought the start of baby goat preparations, barn cleanings and lots and lots of fireside naps!

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