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Monday, June 20, 2011

Quick Update

Things have been extremely busy around here now that the weather has been cooperative. The bucks and bucklings are all settled into their pens in the old barn, new pasture and runs are complete. We just started a new batch of white leghorn broilers today, we were told their growth rate will "blow our minds". I think I may want to stop eating chicken if they grow so freakishly fast. Our new layers are still about 5-6 weeks away from laying their first eggs. They've been dubbed Alice (comets), Gladys (rocks), Tilly (ameraucanas) and Francine (white araucana).

Since we aren't crazy enough already, Rog decided to breed our corn snakes, Cornelius and Samantha-Who. So today he received a call from one of the park volunteers and Samantha laid 14 eggs. 14!!! So now he's planning an incubation area and in 50-60 days they should hatch. I imagine these babies won't draw as many visitors as the "kids".

A quick show update: no pics yet, we're lagging behind and most of the show results pages aren't posted yet. First the NEODGA show in Wooster on June 10-11. True farmers, we spent our wedding anniversary getting sprayed by urine at a buck show after a night of fine dining at Arby's. But it was worth it - Bugs Moran, our new junior French Alpine herdsire, was Junior Champion in all 3 rings!. Enzo was 2nd place in 2 rings and Reserve Grand Champion (RGCH) in one ring. Very proud of our boys. Enzo is for sale, as we have several of his daughter and have recently introduced Mickey into the herd.

At the senior doe show, Elina was RGCH in one ring, while her daughter, Emilene was RGCH in ring 2. At the junior doe show, our alpines brought up the middle, while Luci was second in her class in both rings. Echo, our senior Togg kid was RGCH and thankfully did not throw herself on the ground and play dead as she does at home. Mallory, our senior Togg kid was GCH in both rings, earning her dry championship leg. She then was awarded our very first Best Junior Doe in Show against all the class winners of the other breeds. We are very proud to have our first best in show award go to an animal with the Capra Lane herdname!

This past weekend we travelled to London, OH for the MODGA show. Emilene was awarded GCH in one ring, earning her second championship leg. Now she and Elina only need one more leg to complete their permanent championships. At the junior show, Luci was 1st place senior kid twice. Echo was RGCH in one ring then GCH in the second. She nearly placed Best in Show as well, the competition was down to her and the alpine, but ultimately the award went to the alpine- so close!

Next week is the state show, and then I think we are done for the year. It's been hectic, but having all the shows so close together means I only have to clip the goats once! Photos soon, I promise. . .

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all the winnings! When you said you went to London I was happy for you..then you said, London, Ohio..oh brother..what a world traveler you are. I'm so glad you had such a romantic anniversary....you guys are crazy! Oh, and when you said you are breeding snakes..like real snakes? Slithery kind of snakes? Or is that a code name for a chicken or a goat? You probably think I'm a total ignoramus about farm life and you'd be right! Good luck with the state show!
