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Monday, November 2, 2015

A much celebrated day

Today, November 1st marks the end of milking goats for 2015! The does are bred and are now resting from producing milk so that they can grow the 2016 kid crop. 

Putting the milking stanchions and equipment away for the winter is always an exciting day, it means *break time* for us too. . . 

Addendum: I DID post this on the 1st, I swear! Although it would be typical for me to mess up on the very first day...


  1. Enjoy your rest...although I use that term loosely since I doubt you guys really rest! I was going to submit a question but couldn't think of anything clever or witty....but my foot's been hurting and maybe I need to ask about that? Nah..I should stick to goat questions!

  2. Well, I did say ANYTHING, so I guess feet are fair game?!?
